Wednesday 20 November 2013

                                                   30...LAYING DOWN THE LAWS
                                    Based on LEVITICUS (LV) CHs.1-27...Read more there.

Welcome to Leviticus, the third of the so-called 'Books of Moses' but most likely put into the form we know it in long after Moses' day. That in itself doesn't mean it doesn't bear the hallmark of Hebrew religious & community practices as they begin to take shape under Moses.(N1) With LV we're moving into new territory just as the Hebrews were physically beginning to move into new territory. Where GN is all story-telling, & EX mostly so, now we're in a legalist's paradise! All about worship practices, festivals & observances & sacrifices & community laws & the way they're to be carried out. Very specifically! The Hebrews are to have an absolute single mindedness towards YHWH & apply that  in everything they do. I was going to add, 'religious or not', but everything is to be 'religious' in the eyes of the Hebrews because everything is religious - i.e. a duty - in the eyes of YHWH God. Slap-dash worship or service of any kind, to God or to others has no place in Hebrew life. Having said that, unless we're either a very orthodox Jewish person, or someone particularly interested in the development of religion (Jewish in particular) we're not likely to find much to inspire us in all this nitty-gritty. 

Another thing that comes through strongly in LV is that it reflects, as will other writings to follow, a fear of Hebrew people being influenced by the religious beliefs & practices of neighbouring tribes & peoples. The Hebrews, though, are to be absolutely single-minded. We know they were in fact often tempted to dabble with other gods of other peoples, & did sometimes succumb. But keeping faith with YHWH means ensuring no-one & no-thing is to be allowed to compete with YHWH in any way! It might be helpful to note here for future reference that though much of LV as we know it takes its final shape later than Prophets like Amos & Jeremiah, they will take issue with some teachings on sacrifice & the like that they come to believe do not reflect YHWH's mind on such matters. (N2)

The bright jewel in the otherwise rather dull crown of LV occurs at 19: 18 where we read, 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself '. Ask anyone, 'Who first said that?' & if they can answer at all they may well say, 'Jesus'. Jesus does indeed later say this, but He derives it from here in LV! (N3) Long before Jesus though, whoever taught this, Moses or someone else, is very much inspired by YHWH & in tune with what God requires as His people's standard of behaviour in every aspect of life. Next time...31..Numbers & Still More Numbers.       

(N1) A bit like the Gospels bear the mark of Jesus even though they all take the forms we know them in years after Jesus' time on earth. (N2) Martin Noth, Leviticus, S.C.M. Press, p.17. (N3)  JS verifies this principle as the Second Great Commandment [MK 12:31 & parallels in other Gospels].

Question: Can we truly serve God if we don't truly love our neighbour?

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